Preventive Pest Control

Five Common Spiders in California

Spiders are known for making skin crawl and trapping bugs in their web, but what kind of spiders frequent the California area? If this is a question you’ve asked yourself on more than one occasion, we’ve compiled some spiders that are commonly seen in California. With this being said, here’s five spiders you may encounter in California.

Spider ControlTarantulas

This eight-legged nightmare is commonly found in pool filters. As males a found searching for females in the fall, the females normally occupy burrows that are found in gardens. Another thing that should be noted is that tarantulas are often confused with Calisoga, who carry the same resemblance but are much smaller.

Daddy Long-Legs

Also referred to as “cellar spiders”, they make irregular tangles for webs. They’re European invasives, yet much smaller in the United States. There’s also daddy long-legs with marbled patterns on their abdomens – who are referred to as “marbled cellar spiders”.


Black Widows

Black widows are normally identified as black with a small orange or yellow hour-glass mark on their abdomen. However, immature females and males are not completely black… but any black widow bite can be fatal as their venom is very poisonous.


Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders are hard to identify when it comes to genus, but are commonly found inside of homes. The females carry their spiderlings on their abdomen, with both males and females rarely leaving webs behind.


Yellow Sac Spider

The yellow sac spider can be found in an agricultural setting, but can also be found inside a home. Their venom can be dangerous, yet there’s no solid scientific proof supporting the case. They’re not known for making webs as they make molting chambers instead.


If the threat of a spider harming you – or someone you know – is something that should be addressed, there’s services such as Preventive Pest Control to help you sleep at night. Their extermination practices will eliminate the possibility of a spider bite harming you… and leading to a medical bill. Preventive Pest Control not only eliminates spiders, but assures you that an eight-legged creature won’t call your home their home.


Photo credits:

Tarantula by Bart van Dorp, used under CC BY 2.0/resized from original

Wolf Spider by Moayed Bahajjaj, used under CC BY-SA 2.0/resized from original

Yellow Sac Spider by CheepShot, user under  CC BY 2.0/resized from original

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