Preventive Pest Control

Fossil Discovered For One of the Earliest Known Spiders

Idmonarachne brasieri reconstructionA 305 million year old fossil from France is solving the mystery of linking the proto-spiders of eons ago and the creepy arachnids of today. Scientists have dubbed the fossil Idmonarachne brasieri after Idmon, the character in Greek mythology who sired Arachne, the skilled weaver. Surprisingly, one of the first findings of the fossil was a lack of spinneretes – apparently, this proto-spider did not have the ability to spin webs in a complex manner. They may have been able to create egg sacs with silk, but that’s about it.

Connections to Other Proto-Pests

Although the fossil maintained some of the telling characteristics of the modern spider, such as eight legs and prevalent fangs, the fossil also had some aspects of its body more akin to the protoscorpion. For instance, the back end of the fossil was serrated more like a scorpion, giving scientists an indication that this proto might be a father to more than one modern pest. It is this lack of extra appendages that separates this proto-version of the spider from the modern spider, although they are definitely related.

Connections to Today’s Pests

The fossil showcased some definitive features that connected it to the silk producing spiders of today. Although the back end of the fossil’s body was more analogous to other kinds of pests, the ability of the pest to spin silk, its eight legs and separate head bulb will definitely give you the look of a spider if you did not know any better. Jonathan Coddington, master arachnologist and researcher for the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History stated that the fossil was definitely connected to the pests of today. It may not be comforting to know that the spiders that are crawling around your home have been around for hundreds of millions of years, but this discovery proves that they definitely have been!

Getting Rid of Your Pests

If spiders (or some version of them) can last for 305 million years, then it is no wonder that you cannot get them out of your house by yourself. You need the aid of an Albuquerque spider control professional if you have a spider problem. Preventive Pest Control has the help that you need right now, with the safe, fast service that you have come to expect from us. Give us a call or an email today so that the spiders that are in your home do not stay there for 305 million years!

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