Preventive Pest Control

How Do You Keep a Commercial Kitchen Clean and Free of Pests?

commercial pest control
Pests are obnoxious no matter where they are, but when they find their way into a commercial kitchen, it can cause major problems for the restaurant. If a health inspector notices a pest problem during an inspection, it could result in the kitchen being shut down, costing the business a lot of money in missed income. Here are some tips to keep your commercial kitchen clean and pest free.

Place High Emphasis on Cleanliness

Make it clear to all staff members that their shift hasn’t ended until they’ve thoroughly cleaned their surroundings. The counters should be sanitized, the dishes should be washed, the stove and walls should be wiped down, and the floors should be swept and mopped.

Keep All Food in Sealed Containers

Pests are attracted to smells, and even the slightest stench of food could have your kitchen crawling with insects and rodents. Ensure that all food is kept in tightly sealed containers that trap in odors.

Seal All Holes and Cracks

Mice and rodents are the biggest threat to a business, and they manage to find their way through the tiniest cracks in the wall. Scan the floors and walls of your kitchen to make sure there are no cracks or holes that the mice can sneak through.

Ensure All Windows and Doors Have Screens

Kitchens heat up fast and oftentimes they become smoky and need to be aired out. Make sure every door and window has a tight mesh screen and that the screen is free of holes and tears, so you can air out the kitchen without letting insects gain entry.

Clean with Soap and Disinfectant

Water never suffices as a kitchen cleaner, as it will inevitably leave some bacteria and odors behind. While these odors may be imperceptible to humans, insects and rodents will still be attracted to the scent. Ensure your staff are using odor-killing disinfectant on all surfaces prior to closing.

Always Have Rat Traps on Hand

No matter how fastidious you are, sometimes rats will still find their way into your establishment. Have rat traps on hand for such an emergency. Keep rat traps set up in the areas that attract pests most frequently, like beneath the sink or near the stove.

Have the Exterminator’s Number on Speed Dial

If all else fails, call an exterminator. Some restaurateurs may avoid this step until it’s their last resort. However, keep in mind, a bad review from the health inspector could have your establishment closed down, seriously hindering your profits. Rather than waiting until it’s too late, call an exterminator and eliminate the pest problem before it escalates.

Pests are perhaps the biggest enemy of the restaurant owner, as they violate health codes and can compromise the profits of a business. Fortunately, there are some easy tactics to keep pests at bay, and by ensuring your kitchen is free of cracks and impeccably clean, you can greatly minimize the threat of pests. If your commercial kitchen needs an exterminator, call Preventive Pest Control – Las Vegas today!

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