Preventive Pest Control

Pest Library

Know Your Enemy

Accurate identification of pests is as important as choosing the best preventive pest management available on the market today. Preventive Pest Control has compiled a list of most common pests to help you identify the problem.

Tree Squirrel


Tree squirrels have long, bushy tail that they can use to wrap around their bodies during the warm winter, and can also be used for leaping and climbing. They have powerful legs that are used for jumping and leaping from trees to trees. They can be 16 to 20 inches long with varying colors such as gray, reddish-gray, black or white.


Since tree squirrels do not hibernate, their protection against the cold winter days and nights depends on the quality of their nest. Their nests or dreys are built in trees. They can also construct tree dens that are situated in the main trunks of trees. Other places where they can nest are:
• Old woodpecker holes
• Tree cavities
• Attics


Tree squirrels are powerful climbers, jumpers, and swimmers. They also have good eyesight, sharp hearing and smell. These squirrels like to gnaw on structures and will use their two front teeth to create their nests.

Squirrels are also known to be territorial. They will use their urine to mark their trails and their territory. When they are in trouble, they will use their tree dens to escape.


Squirrels main source of food are fruit, seeds, berries, nuts, cones, acorns, buds, shoots, flowers, lichens, barks, and fungi. They can also eat bird’s eggs and their young, and insects.

Life Cycle

Tree squirrels have a slow development compared to their rodent cousins. The female can produce two to eight infants and can have two litters per year, depending on the type of squirrel. They may breed in mid to late winter and also in summer. Once the young are born, they are still helpless and will rely on their mother for milk. They are blind and naked and their ears still being closed. After a month, their fur will come out, and their ears will open. And, after a month and a half, their eyes will finally open. After 7 to 12 weeks, the young squirrels will be able to leave their mother and will go on their own. While the natural life span of a squirrel is between 7 to 12 years, they are only known to survive in the wild for only ten to twelve months.

Other Information and Tips

While tree squirrels are admired by many observers and photographers, they are also hunted down since the Fox and gray squirrels are game animals for hunters. Tree squirrels can also become a nuisance, especially when they enter homes.

The most common way to control these squirrels from entering is through exclusion, repellents and trapping. While homeowners can do their own damage control, a licensed wildlife pest control operator can also be called, especially for homeowners who are not confident enough in properly trapping and excluding this animal.

Photo: Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) by Peter aka anemoneprojectors, used under CC BY-SA 2.0 / resized from original

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