Preventive Pest Control

Pest Library

Know Your Enemy

Accurate identification of pests is as important as choosing the best preventive pest management available on the market today. Preventive Pest Control has compiled a list of most common pests to help you identify the problem.

Carpenter Ant

(Camponotus spp.)


Carpenter ants are found throughout the U.S. and the world. Carpenter ants are large ants - sizes ranging from ¼ inch to about half an inch. The color varies depending on the species, however, most are blackish.

These big ants can be mistaken for termites and vice versa. Both insects live in colonies and can damage wood. Here are the differences between carpenter ants and termites:

Carpenter Ants
• Darker colored bodies
• Narrow waists
• Elbowed Antennae
• For winged carpenter ants – Front wings are longer then hind wings

• Lighter colored bodies
• Broad waists
• Straight Antennae
• For winged termites – All for wings are equal in size


Carpenter ants create two kinds of nests – parent colonies and satellite colonies. Parent colonies contain the queen ant and can be found in moist locations such as rotting trees, wood piles and decaying food. Satellite colonies contain large amount of worker carpenter ants and no queen ants. These can be found in moist locations as well as drier areas such as insulation and wood column.


Like other ants, carpenter ants are social insects. They live in colonies that can grow large through time.

They are typically inactive during the winter. However, those who live near warm locations can be active during this time.


Outdoors, they consume insects whether living or dead. They are also attracted to fruit nectar and honeydew, a sweet fluid excreted by aphis. Inside homes, they prefer protein, fats and sugar. Carpenter ants look for meats, grease, jellies and other sweets.

Life Cycle

Swarming occurs during the spring or even early summer. After mating, the males die and then the queens shed their wings. They will then look for a suitable place to build their nests. The queens will lay their eggs which will hatch into larvae. This larvae will turn into the workers.

Other Information and Tips

To make a property less attractive to carpenter ants, wood damaged by water should be replaced or removed. It is also very important to eliminate damp conditions that lead to decaying of wood. Outside the home, trees should be pruned and shrubs trimmed regularly.

Removing a carpenter ant can be extremely difficult. A single colony can contain thousands of carpenter ants. Disturbing their nest can create more trouble. Although homeowners can use baits to control the infestation, it is best left to professionals. Experienced exterminators have the knowledge and correct equipment necessary to eliminate carpenter ants.

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