Preventive Pest Control

Rodent Control Strategies for Manufacturing Plants

rodent control albuquerque

Manufacturing plants can’t take time off for rodent control, nor can they afford to lose the extra revenue. However, with the amount of employees going in and out every day, it means that many more chances for an infestation to occur. Plus, if a plant handles any type of food packaging, it’s like placing a direct invitation to the rodent to come on in for dinner. It’s not the same strategy to protect a 1,500 square foot house as it is to protect a huge manufacturing plant.

Protecting the Merchandise

Rodents are the prime reason that products are damaged every year. Sharp teeth and waste can destroy packaging materials, food and merchandise. This is in addition to the contamination from their bodies that can make humans extremely sick. The amount of foodborne diseases throughout the US is still far too high, so sanitation and inspections have to be of the utmost priority. Generally, manufacturers look to professionals so they can confirm rodent activity, so they can then identify where the rodents are actually getting into the structure.

Spring Cleaning

Spring is the biggest season for manufacturers to be on the watch for mice and rats. They’re exceptionally skilled at worming their way into commercial businesses during breeding season. All food sources need to be packed securely away, and any food that looks like it may have been touched by anything but human hands needs to be inspected thoroughly. You’ll want to check for any type of frayed wiring, and it should go without saying that all gaps and holes should be sealed. Your staff will need to be alerted to be more careful, because the last thing they’ll want to do is check for mice when they’re in the middle of a major shipment. However, this is one of the prime ways that mice and rats can sneak in. The machinery will also have to be checked constantly, and general inspections should be a part of the routine as well. Rodents can get in through shipping containers as well as through cracks in the walls. Look for droppings, teeth marks and grease spots. Rodents have oils on their fur that may leave spots on the walls or packaging.

If you suspect that you do have a problem, then you’ll need some professional assistance. For help with commercial rodent control issues, call Preventive Pest Control today!

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