Preventive Pest Control

Scorpions in Albuquerque

Albuquerque scorpion control

Albuquerque is a city with a climate that breeds one of the more dangerous pests – scorpions. Scorpions are highly poisonous and should be taken very seriously, especially if there are extremely young or elderly people in your household. Fortunately, there are ways that you can prevent scorpions from becoming a problem in your household. Take the following tips to heart in order to keep your home safe!

Take the Trash Out

In Albuquerque, you do not have the luxury of keeping your trash cans full until the city garbage collection comes around. You need to take the trash out at least every other day. Do not allow it to smell or show around the house, because this is what will initially attract scorpions into your home. Scorpions are essentially scavengers – they come looking for food. Relieve them of this opportunity, and they will have less of an initiative to bother you.

Cut the Lawn

Scorpions love dark, wet places to hide and nest. If you are not taking care of your landscaping, then your lawn becomes a breeding ground for these pests. Eventually, their breeding will take them past your front door. You may not be able to immediately discern that they have breached your home, but you will find out when you least expect it! Keep the grass short and trim the hedges every week, especially during the summer months.

Additionally, if you have firewood, keep it in the backyard. Scorpions love to nest in firewood, and bringing it inside brings them inside as well.

Get Rid of Other Pests

Scorpions in Albuquerque are scavengers, but they are also hunters. Outside, this is great. They will help you get rid of the other pests that are more likely to come inside of your home such as small mice, cockroaches and spiders. However, if these other pests get into your home, the scorpions will follow. Get rid of spider webs inside as soon as you see them. If you see a cockroach running around your home or outside on your porch, you probably have more in your walls. Call for a professional spraying immediately.

Although scorpions can be scary if you do not expect them, you can take your home back if they become a problem. Do not try to handle these potentially highly poisonous pests on your own. Call for a professional scorpion control in Albuquerque that will keep you and your family safe. The dedicated experts at Preventive Pest Control are here to help you. We have been serving the community of Albuquerque for years, and we would love to put this expertise to work for you today. All that we really need is your permission, so call or email us now!

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