Preventive Pest Control

What Spiders in Your Home Could Mean

spiders in utahFor most people, seeing spiders inside the home is reason enough to reach for a can of bug spray. Unfortunately, seeing spiders in and around your home could be a sign of more trouble. Read on to find out what these eight-legged creatures can signify.


Spiders eat other insects, which means that an abundance of spiders signals an abundant food source. Chances are that an increased spider
population in your home means that there is an infestation somewhere on your property. Taking away the spiders’ food source is the best way to reduce your spider problem as well.

Spider Type

Wolf spiders and the common house spider are relatively common types of spiders to find in the average American home. If you are seeing multiple types of spiders, it is even more likely that they are being drawn to a significant population of other insects. Some spiders eat other spiders, so a spider infestation could be drawing other types as well.


Ants are stubborn pests and a common food source for the house spider. Once ants have infested a home, it is very difficult to get them to leave. Even small crumbs of food or spilled sugar are enough to attract a colony of ants and the spiders that feed on them. Some ants can even cause serious structural damage to the home. Carpenter ants, often confused by termites, tunnel through wood to create their nests.


Flies are not only unpleasant house guests but a known source of disease. It is not uncommon to find a fly trapped in the web of a house spider, but most homeowners would rather do without them both. To determine whether you have an infestation, look for dead flies wrapped up in spider webs in or around the home. If you don’t see any, it is more likely that the spiders are feeding off of a different type of insect.


Woodlice are long, segmented pests that are sometimes called pill bugs. Woodlice have up to 14 legs and can be an alarming sight to unsuspecting homeowners, but they are one of the common house spider’s favorite meals. If you have a spider problem and live in a moist area, chances are good that the spiders are feeding on a population of woodlice.


Pest infestations aren’t the only things that attract spiders. Most spiders are drawn to dark, moist habitats, so an excessive spider population could signal that your home is leaking or that moisture is accumulating in your basement or crawl space.

If you’re seeing spiders in your home, you might have a bigger pest problem. Call Preventive Pest Control today.

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