Preventive Pest Control

Spiders Are Surprisingly Helpful to Have Around!

spider control
Anyone who fell in love with the book, “Charlotte’s Web” as a kid might have trouble killing spiders as an adult. It’s been proven that spiders are helpful in a number of important ways, so it’s best to just let them outside instead of flushing them down the drain. Or having the right pest control service to prevent them from entering your home in the first place is the way to go. Here are some ways that spiders help the world. They might not save a pig like they did in “Charlotte’s Web”, but they do have an excellent purpose.

Ways Spiders Help The Environment

Spiders are beneficial to the entire ecosystem, including the garden areas around your home. They are able to consume other yucky pests that may cause harm to your plants, fruits, and vegetables that you are growing. They are especially helpful in killing small insects that may attack your tomato plants. Don’t you want those juicy summer tomatoes to be the best they can be? Of course you do, and the spiders are like your partners in crime for this one.

Spiders Rarely Harm Anyone

Movies, television shows, and comic books (thanks Spiderman) have led us to believe that all spiders can bite. That’s just not true at all. They rarely harm humans, and less than 1/10th of 1 percent of the 43,000 spider species have actually ever killed anyone. So that little spider up in the corner of your bathroom ceiling is not going to pounce on you while you are taking a shower to murder you between suds. You are fairly safe from your average household spider.

How To Get Spiders Outside Without Killing Them

Using a postcard, or a stiff piece of paper to usher them gently into a jar or glass is the prefered method of transferring them outside. That way you can capture those cute eight legged friends humanely to then release them into the natural environment. If you have children around, show them how to safely get rid of spiders that you find in your home. It’s a good lesson to teach them how to share the world with our arachnid friends.

Call Preventive Pest Control

We have a great method to clean up areas inside your home that attract spiders, and then we are able to work outside the home to prevent them from coming into your home in the first place. Call our offices today in the Houston area to find out what we can do for all your pest control issues.

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