Preventive Pest Control

Spring Spider Control Tips For Enterprise and Surrounding Areas

Wolf Spider

Everyone loves when spring arrives, but no one likes the pests that come with it. Nevada’s warm climate makes it ideal for spider species like wolf spiders, jumping spiders, funnel-weaving spiders and the dreaded giant crab spider. Like you, they also like a break from the heat. Because your air conditioner makes your home a haven for these creepy crawlies, spider control in Enterprise and surrounding areas is an important topic. Once they are in, a small spider problem in your home can multiply into a large infestation.

There are several ways you can treat spiders yourself. The first step is to clean your environment of spider habitats like woodpiles and clutter near or touching the house. Also clean the home’s interior of cobwebs. This takes away a spider’s ability to store food.

Many over-the-counter products can be purchased at home improvement stores that are sprayed around the outside perimeter of your home and act as a barrier to keep spiders out.

Insecticide “dusts” and powders are also available over-the-counter. These are generally used in attics and under baseboards. Aerosol insecticides are also good for these locations and can reach places liquid insecticides can not.

Glue traps are cheap and easy to use but many people are squeamish about having them around their home or disposing of them. Place the traps in areas where spiders will run across them and stick to the glue. While these can be effective, it may be unpleasant to handle them once they are full of dead spiders.

Organic methods of discouraging spiders include leaving citrus fruit or fruit peels in pantries and cabinets or spraying a solution or water and peppermint essential oil in cracks and gaps where spiders hide or enter your home. Spiders hate the scent of both citrus and peppermint.

Enterprise Pest Control

While it is very important to your family’s health and sanity, pest control can be a daunting chore for those who choose to do it themselves. It can be time consuming, messy and uncomfortable if you do not like, or are afraid of, spiders. If you don’t want to take it on yourself, you can call in professional help. The Las Vegas office of Preventive Pest Control has a proactive pest management process that not only eliminates current spider problems but prevents future ones.

Quit worrying about sharing your home with unwanted visitors. For effective Las Vegas commercial spider control, trust Preventive Pest Control.

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