Preventive Pest Control

The Top 10 Most Common Types of Pests in Houston, TX

cockroach control Cockroaches

The American cockroach and the German cockroach are known to be prevalent in Houston, Texas. Their ability to eat any type of food makes them prevalent in most places. The German cockroach is a common indoor pest while the American cockroach is commonly found in storm drains and utility tunnels because they prefer to stay in warm, moist areas.

Fleas and Ticks

Exposure to fleas and ticks becomes more common during the hot, humid summer months. But fleas and ticks can thrive all year round since Houston does not have a “no flea season”. Fleas and ticks are dangerous to pets and humans since they can transmit internal parasites and diseases.


Flies are mostly attracted to any type of food. The more unsanitary the condition is, the more that they will fly to that place. They are attracted to rotting or fermented scents, drain pans under refrigerators, garbage cans, unrinsed recyclable cans, and so on. They can lay their eggs in dumpsters, garbage cans and go indoors to search for their meal.


There are thousands of ant species around the world, but only 250 are native in Texas. Out of these 250 ant species only a couple of them are a nuisance. Carpenter ants, crazy ants, fire ants, ghost ants, leafcutter ants, little black ants, Pharaoh ants, Raspberry crazy ants, and thief ants are some of the most common problems found indoors and outdoors of a home. Damage to a home may depend on the ant specie.

Mice and Rats

Mice and rats live in a variety of habitats. They can easily live in offices, warehouses, storage facilities, homes, and just in places where food and water are available. These rodents can create great damage as they gnaw on wood, furniture, electrical wires, carpet, appliance water lines, and so on. They can easily contaminate food and they can create any place dirty as they leave their urine and droppings on pantry shelves, food containers, counter tops, and their place of nesting.

Stinging Insects

There are different types of stinging insects in Houston. Paper wasps, yellow jackets, mud daubers, European hornets, baldfaced hornets can create their nests inside your property as they look for their food source. The queen will come out after winter and search for a suitable place to nest in. Although these stinging insects do not normally create significant damage to a property, they can be aggressive when their nest is threatened. They have powerful stings that can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.


Experts estimate that termites have damaged more than millions of homes in the United States alone, and thousands of dollars are spent each year by each homeowner for repairs. Subterranean termites are common in Texas and can create nests inside homes.

Bed bugs

Bed bugs are becoming a growing problem in Houston. As people can travel easily than before, these bed bugs can also easily travel from one location to the next. It only takes a matter of seconds until these sneaky creatures get into your travel bag or onto your clothing. Once they get inside a home, these blood suckers will be difficult to eradicate.


Texas is known for the wide variety of scorpions they have in their state. These critters can roam around homes and businesses. Although most scorpions are not dangerous to humans, they can still sting people. The reaction to the sting may vary from each person. Some people may just compare the sting to a bee sting while others are highly sensitive to them that they can experience a painful, burning, itching, swelling, numbness and discoloration in the area of the sting.


Houston is the home of the black widow, the brown recluse, jumping spider, and many more spider species. While these spiders will try to live indoors, but they still prefer to stay away from people as much as they can. However, problems arise when spiders bite unsuspecting people. Although their bite may not cause any harm to most people, others can still suffer from an allergic reaction at the site of the bite.

Since Houston, Texas is a humid and a hot place to live, these pests easily take advantage of the comfortable living they can find in homes. It is necessary for homeowners to stop these pests from entering their homes and get rid of them if they are found.

Are you looking for high-quality pest control in Houston? Visit Houston Pest Control or call 713-946-9202 today!

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