Preventive Pest Control

Tips On Keeping Roaches Out This Winter

Winter Cockroach Control

Many people deal with roaches in winter months that could have been easily prevented if they would have taken some precautionary measures. Roaches are one of the worst bug problems to deal with because they are large, obvious, and make people feel uncomfortable. They will also make someone embarrassed to have guests over because they don’t want their friends to think they are unclean. However, roach infestations are a normal problem that people deal with in the winter because they are trying to escape the cold outside. Some simple things can be done for those who need help preventing roaches from infesting their home this winter.

Keep your home clean

Instead of leaving the pizza box on the counter until the next morning, throw it away and ensure the crumbs are put into the trash can. Miniscule amounts of food will attract roaches quickly.

Properly store foods

When storing things like cereal, pasta, sugar, and other things that don’t go in the refrigerator, it’s important to ensure they are completely sealed up. Think about getting some Tupperware or food saving bags in order to prevent a roach from being able to smell the source of food in your home. While they may take refuge from the cold weather, they will not remain long if they can’t find any food.

Treat pet food properly

It’s important to put a food bowl back into a storage area after a pet has fed. Most people don’t think that pet food will attract roaches and insects, but they will smell it just like they do any other type of food.

Seal up windows and door frames

When someone doesn’t have tightly sealed windows and doors, it will allow easy access to their home for roaches and other insects. Simply keeping the windows tight and the doors properly sealed will make it much harder for a roach to get inside. They will likely leave the residence and try to find another location to get inside if they can’t make it in easily.

Fix leaks and standing water

Roaches are going to need a source of water more than they will food, so make sure spills are kept clean and water bowls are put away as well.

Nobody wants to deal with a roach infestation if they don’t have to, which is why these simple tips are important to keep in mind before the winter months come around. The winter may bring in unwanted house guests for those who haven’t taken the right measures, and this isn’t restricted to unwanted in-laws coming to town. Take advantage of these tips on roaches to ensure your home makes it through the winter without any embarrassing problems.

If you have an existing cockroach problem, call Preventive today to schedule an in person inspection. We offer fast, affordable and effective cockroach control in California, Texas, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah.

Photo: LunchBlox Kids Tall Kit by Rubbermaid Products, used under CC BY 2.0/resized from original

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