Preventive Pest Control

Ways to Prevent Cockroaches in a Food Processing Plant

Commercial Cockroach ControlA food processing plant always need to keep its workplace clean and hygienic. This is necessary to minimize or completely eliminate the risks of product contamination, cross-contamination, food poisoning brought about by cockroach infestations. It is important not just for the food factory to maintain a hygienic workplace, but for its employees to maintain a good personal hygiene to eliminate possible infestations and product contamination.

Cockroaches can live in cracks and crevices in floors, ceilings, or walls. When they are given a warm and humid environment, in dark and even with little air movement, these pests can thrive. Their population can grow in voids and spaces, but they will make sure that they are near their food and water sources. These pests are able to adapt to the operations of the plant and may become extremely active when the area becomes quiet and offline.


How to Prevent Cockroaches in a Food Processing Plant

Clean as you go

To avoid having cockroaches around the plant, it is necessary to always keep the workspace clean. Everything must be visually clean and tidy as you arrive and leave the workstation. Each employee should adopt a ‘clean as you go policy’ after doing their work so that cockroaches will not be attracted to the surrounding work area.

Follow proper procedure about disposing of food waste

Make certain to use the correct waste bin designated by the company. It is also important to not allow waste to gather in areas where food is prepared.

Be cautious about the waste bin

Waste bins should always have tight fitting lids that are always clean and undamaged, especially for waste bins that are located outside.

Check regularly for any signs of pests

This is not just for cockroaches, but for all types of pests. Make sure that the factory does not attract or provide homes for different types of pests.


When Cleaning an Area

Remove debris

Get rid of all eggshells, meat scraps, chicken parts or vegetables with the use of a broom, squeegee, or a shovel inside a food processing plant. Place trash in containers or on conveyors so that they can be removed properly from the plant.


It is common for a food processing plant to have a floor drain. After removing the debris, hose down the remaining small particles of food. However, make sure not to spray water on any electrical equipment or use water in food warehouses. Make sure not to allow moisture to come in contact with any dry goods to avoid other pests from contaminating the area. If there are no floor drains, use a mop and a bucket to start cleaning.

Use detergent

Using detergent together with high water pressure will remove the residue and dirt, and will help in further sanitizing the whole area.

Rinse again

After applying detergent, rinse the area with clean portable water. It is important to get rid of all the detergent residue to avoid having any food getting in contact with any detergent.


Other Means to Avoid Cockroaches Inside Your Plant


Keep your business pest-free. For commercial cockroach control, trust Preventive. Call us today!

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