How to Prepare for Spring Bugs and Insects

How to Prepare for Spring Bugs and Insects

While the temperatures are cold, most people have Spring to look forward to. Some expect a decrease of bugs and insects given that their population were affected by the extreme temperatures. So the big question on everyone’s mind is if we will see a decrease in the bugs population this coming spring.

Although most can expect a decrease on the population of insects, there is no guarantee that their deaths will have a noticeable affect on us. Depending on the bug and insect species, many of them will still be able to survive and live through winter to spring. There are still a lot of factors to consider when it comes to a decrease of their population. What we should prepare for is their arrival this coming spring.

Prepare for Bugs and Insects

No one wants to start their spring invaded by swarming bugs and insects. After winter, a lot of people will be cleaning up their houses in preparation for spring. This will also be a great way for you to prepare your home and defend it against pests. A thorough spring cleaning will be your best defense against critters that will most likely invade your home as soon as the temperature becomes right for them.

Most pest control specialists will also agree that having a clutter free environment will also protect your home from common spring bugs and insects. After winter, even if some say that most bugs have died out, a lot of these insects will still look for a warm, moist place, which your house is unwillingly giving them. Insects such as ants, spiders, wasps, hornets, beetles, centipedes, millipedes, sow bugs, flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and so many more, will look for moisture and become more active as the temperatures rise.

There are different ways for these pests to come in your home. They can enter through small cracks and crevices, they can enter through windows and doors, they can even be brought in as you buy your groceries. So to prepare yourself from a possible invasion, here are some tips:

  1. Clean out your closets and remove items of clothing that will not be used
  2. Clean out window screens, but replace them if they are already damaged
  3. Get rid of boxes, old newspapers, cans, and the likes
  4. If an item is worth saving, make sure to protect it against humidity and dust
  5. Search outside your house foundation for any cracks and holes and seal them
  6. Look for signs of any wood damage and make necessary action to fix it
  7. Fix leaky faucets indoors and downspout outdoors
  8. Make sure to remove any food sources pests are attracted to

Keep in mind that bugs and insects will search for a place where they can find shelter and moisture. To make certain that your home does not offer their needs, remove any items that will become a temptation to them. For instance, once you come home from your grocery shopping, make certain to place all items in their proper containers so that ants and other pests will not dine with you. Also, properly disposing your garbage will keep cockroaches at bay. And, as you do your spring cleaning, make sure that the basement and garage are not forgotten. Give these places your undivided attention and toss all the clutter away from these places. While you may want some of your old keepsakes to survive, they can still provide a good place for insects to hide. Make sure to check up on them and conceal possible entryways when they are seen.

Protect your property from pest damage and ask us about our residential pest control service.