5 Tips for Preventing Pests This Spring

As the temperatures change, you’re probably thinking about how much spring cleaning you still have to do. However, just as your habits are changing to fit the climate, so are the habits of the many unwanted critters who might wind up in your home. Killing them doesn’t do very much to stop the many more who also want to move in with you. Instead, you need to concentrate on preventative measures to ensure a healthy and safe home for you and your family. Here are 5 tips, so you’re not stuck with an infestation on your hands.

Getting Your Food Sources in Check

All of your food, including those for pets, should be in air-tight containers. You can’t obviously always keep your pets food in a container, but you may want to train them to eat all of it at specific times if you’re in a high-infestation area. Rodents are always scouting for their next meal, and they have exceptional abilities when it comes to smelling the source.

Natural Predators Droppings

Used cat litter and snake droppings actually will work to repel mice away because they’ve adapted to run from these smells. While they may not be the most appetizing substances to work with and place around the entrances to your home, it’s far better than the alternative.

The Sound of Nails on a Chalkboard

Well, not really nails, but there are devices you can buy that let out a very high-pitched sound that mice and rodents can’t handle. These do have some limitations to them though as the rodents can become used to the noise quickly.

Move Your Garbage Cans If They’re Too Close to the House

They will attract rodents, so you may want to relocate them so they don’t provide the bridge from trash to your home. This is especially necessary if you often have overflowing cans or bins, and always check to make sure there are no holes in the bottom of the cans where rodents can get in.

One-Way Devices

Rodents and scorpions can be very sneaky, and scorpions in particular can be hard to detect. One way devices, such as a valve can let them out if they do manage to get in. You can install them at any entry or exit, so there’s a better chance they actually use the valve.

Identifying where your entry points are can be difficult. Scorpions in particular know how to hunt and their stealthy nature can mean an infestation may not be noticed for quite some time. If you need some help in keeping your home pest-free, then give Preventive Pest Control a call today!