5 Spider Prevention Tips

Spider Prevention TipsAs you may know from experience, the Sandy UT area is home to many pests, including spiders. Some of the many spiders found in this area include cobweb spiders, funnel web spiders, and ground spiders. Not only are spiders creepy-looking, but they can be potentially deadly as well. Here are five spider prevention tips for homeowners in the Sandy, UT area.

Seal Cracks and Crevices

Sealing Cracks and CrevicesDue to their small size, spiders can enter a home through the smallest of cracks and crevices. Therefore, you should use caulk, foam, or other products to seal these openings. You should use caulk for smaller openings and foam for larger openings.

The caulk should be flexible and clear if you’re sealing a service that will not be painted afterwards, such as naturally finished wood.

Keep Your Porch Lights Off

To keep spiders away from your home, you should turn the porch lights off at night. Spiders are naturally attracted to sources of light. Therefore, your porch lights are effectively guiding spiders to your home. Not only will keeping your porch lights off ward off spiders, but it will also keep other pests, such as moths, away from your home.

Use Cedar Mulch

Cedar is another excellent deterrent for spiders. You should use cedar mulch around your home’s interior. This will prevent spiders from getting close enough to your home to get inside through cracks and crevices. If possible, use cedar hangers and cedar chests in your closets. Some other products you can use include cedar shavings and cedar blocks.

Eucalyptus BranchUse Eucalyptus Sprigs

Spiders and other pests are repelled by strong scents. Therefore, you should use sprinkle eucalyptus sprigs around the perimeter of your home to ward off outdoor spiders. You can make a spray by combining water, alcohol, eucalyptus oil, and lavendar oil. Not only can you use this spray on your windows, but you can also use it on your body.

While eucalyptus sprigs repel spiders, the scent of these herbs are pleasant to humans. In fact, many spas use eucalyptus springs as a part of their treatment. Therefore, by using these eucalyptus sprigs, you are effectively killing two birds, or rather two spiders, with one stone.

Keep Your Home Clean

The final way you can prevent spiders is by keeping your home clean. Spiders and other pests are attracted to homes that are messy and full of dust, dirt, and webs. Therefore, it is in your best interest to thoroughly clean your home regularly.

As you can see, there are many things you can do to keep spiders out of your home. Just follow these tips and you will likely reduce the spider population in your home significantly.  For fast and effective Sandy spider control, you can trust Preventive Pest Control. Call (801) 566-5590 today!