Carpenter Ants vs. Standard Ants – What’s the Difference?

While neither ant is desirable, carpenter ants are more than a food stealing nuisance – they can actually damage the structure of your home. There are visible differences that allow you to tell whether the ants you are seeing in or around your home are carpenter ants; in general, here’s what to look out for:

Carpenter Ants vs. Standard Ants – What’s the Difference?


Compared to other ants, carpenter ants are huge – about three times the size of their smaller, black counterparts. A carpenter ant can actually grow up to almost an inch long – so if you are seeing giant ants, it’s time to take a closer look.

Color and Shape

Carpenter ants can be brown, black or a combination of colors and often have a distinct, heart shaped head. Other varieties of ants are more solid in color and are often not large enough to determine head shape.

Behavior or Signs

A big giveaway that you may be infested with carpenter ants is the sawdust they leave behind. If you spot signs of sawdust or shredded, chewed wood, then your ants are likely of the carpenter variety. If you have visible signs of damage, it is important to call for help right away; the ants may be doing far more excavating than you can see and can severely impact the wood surfaces of your home.

Carpenter ants that leave behind little piles of wood or sawdust aren’t actually consuming your home; they are building tunnels through the wood portions. While their intent may be to simply pass through and create an insect friendly living space, large colonies can cause significant damage.

How to Get Rid of Ants

Avoid leaving food lying about – and if you see ants, try to track them to the source and destroy the nest. Common ants may have a trail that leads to an open window, vent or other entryway; blocking this orifice can help prevent further entry. Carpenter ants are more difficult to get rid of, since they can burrow into the structure of your home itself; you may not be able to see them all or get rid of them on your own.

If you see ants and are not sure what they are up to or see the signs of wood-boring insects, our experts can help you find out exactly what you are dealing with. Contact us today and learn how you can protect your home from all sorts of pests and insects.