Common Houston Spring Pests

Know more about the common Houston spring pestsThe bustling residential areas of Houston are prime locations for pests in the spring. Here are a few of the more common Houston spring pests that you may face and a few suggestions on how to avoid problems with these critters!


Cockroaches eat absolutely anything, and spring brings new smells from your home that they love. They tend to love sugar, so if you eat a lot of sweets, make sure that you clean up after yourself well. Aside from being extremely unattractive, cockroaches are also an unsanitary pest.

Eliminate cockroaches in the spring by eliminating their food source. A good spring cleaning to clear out all of the food that may have fallen into the forgotten corners of your house is a great start. Clean the kitchen after every meal.


Houston alone is home to over 100 different types of ant species. Unique to the area are the Rasberry “crazy ants.” These ants love to get inside of electrical systems, ruining them and causing expensive rebuilding efforts, not to mention the inconvenience of the loss of power.

You may be able to spray this pest away using over the counter products; however, you may need a professional granular treatment if the infestation has already made it into the infrastructure of your home.


Termites are one of the common Houston spring pests. These pests have a reputation for destroying the infrastructure of homes, and their reputation is well earned. You should have a preliminary check for termites every year whether you see any symptoms of an infestation or not. With this pest, once you see symptoms, you will likely be on the hook for some very expensive refurbishing already.

Fleas and Ticks

These pests are most likely to attack your household if you have pets; they tend to make their way into your home through your dog or your cat. A great way to keep them away from you is to have your pet wear a flea collar and get checked for fleas and ticks at a regular interval.

Mice and Rats

Mice and rats can come into your household on the backs of other infestations, or they can come on their own, enticed by the warmth of your real estate. If you see any symptoms of mice or rats such as holes burrowed into your walls, set traps and call a Houston pest control expert as soon as you can for poison options.

Are you currently dealing with Houston spring pests? Call 713-983-0869 today!