False Chinch Bugs Invade Northern Nevada

Recently, millions of small bugs have invaded residential areas in northern Nevada. These tiny bugs are called false chinch bugs and although seeing a swarm of them may be scary, there is nothing to worry about. The false chinch bug is a small, gray, winged insect. Swarms of the insect can be so big, it looks like the ground is moving. This sight can be very alarming, especially if you have never encountered this insect before, but the bugs are harmless.

The false chinch bug lives and feeds on vegetation; mainly weeds, tall grasses, and plants in the mustard family. When their food source runs out, they move to find other places to feed. Since the false chinch bug feeds by sucking sap and moisture out of plants, it is likely that when they show up around homes and other populated areas, it is because their food source has dried up. They are no harm to humans and even though their presence might seem threatening to your garden and landscaping, they don’t pose a huge threat there either. Most established plants are sturdy enough to withstand the feeding of the false chinch bug. Plants may experience some wilting because of their feeding, but the bugs don’t stay in one place very long and many plants don’t show any sign of their presence after they are gone. Most swarms of the false chinch bug move on to a new location within a week or two.

Although the sight and presence of millions of bugs can be enough to send you running, there is really nothing to fear. The false chinch bug rarely bites and does not carry any disease. To prevent the false chinch bug from getting into your house, be sure to seal all entryways and cracks, and use weatherstripping and screens on doors and windows. If they do find their way into your home, remember that they are harmless. They will die off indoors without a food source, and you can also get rid of them in your house by vacuuming them up.

Unfortunately, the false chinch bug does not respond to pesticides or insect repellent. While they are a nuisance, if you do encounter them, remember that they move on quickly, they do not harm humans or pets, and they won’t do much damage to your garden. If false chinch bugs appear on your property, your best bet is to wait it out until they pass.

Looking for help with pests? Call Preventive Pest Control for professional pest control in Nevada.