How to Get Rid of Scorpions in Phoenix

Arizona scorpion exterminators

Scorpions are one of the pests that are most unique to the Phoenix area, and they are one of the most dangerous. Unlike ants or small mice, it only takes one scorpion to cause a major problem in your home. Many people are allergic to scorpion stings. They are also large and unsightly, and quite dangerous for a non-professional to engage.

Get Rid of Other Pests

Scorpions come into your home following other pests such as cockroaches and spiders. This means that if you see spider webs around your house or you find one of those creepy crawly roaches scurrying around your kitchen when you turn the lights on for a midnight snack, you should call for a professional extermination of these pests before you see a scorpion.

Do Not Bring Firewood Inside Your Home

During the winter months, it can be tempting to bring in firewood and stack it indoors. This is where scorpions love to nest and grow. You may not be able to see them initially, but they will eventually grow into full adults and move into other hidden areas of your home during the night, popping up when you least expect them!

Incorporate Glue Traps

Scorpions have a relatively unique behavior in that they tend to follow walls when they walk indoors. One way to catch them without directly engaging them is to create glue traps along the wall. One of the places that scorpions love to hide is inside of closets, so put the traps there for best results.

Boric Acid

A slightly more sophisticated solution to a scorpion problem is boric acid. This substance clings to the legs of pests and creates a natural insecticide. The problem here is the application: This can be difficult for an amateur to properly incorporate. It is not recommended to handle boric acid directly if you do not know what you are doing.

Cutting the Grass

If you do not keep your landscaping in order, you are inviting scorpions into your home. They love to hide in lush grass, and they will stay away from grass and shrubbery that is trimmed. Make sure that you have a weekly cleanup around your yard, especially during the summer months in Phoenix when lawns tends to grow incredibly fast. Also, do not keep junk in your yard for long periods of time. Get rid of it!

If you see a scorpion in your Phoenix home or anywhere around it, you need professional help immediately. Call the dedicated Arizona scorpion exterminators at Preventive Pest Control as soon as you can. We will help you take your house back fast from these powerful and ruthless pests!