How Moisture Causes an Increase In Arizona Fire Ants

Fire Ant ControlAlthough you hear a lot about the snakes and scorpions in Arizona, there are more biting insects and venomous creatures to be concerned about. One of the most destructive is the fire ant. There are a number of fire ant types, ranging from reddish to black in color. The most threatening in Arizona are RIFA (very aggressive red imported fire ants) and native Southern fire ants. Fire ants are typically found in large numbers due to few natural enemies. This gives them the strength to cause major damage to animals, people and the environment. Use our DIY tips below to prevent fire ant infestations — and don’t hesitate to get professional help if you need it, as the University of Arizona College of Agriculture advises.

What Damage Do Fire Ants Do?

Fire Ants Attack People at the Slightest Movement

Fire Ant Bite
When fire ants sting, they inject venom that causes itching and painful bumps, along with major allergic reactions in many people. Fire ants can attack en masse, running up your arms or legs and stinging at your slightest movement. Your wounded skin may even become dangerously infected when you scratch the blisters and fire ant stings may require medical attention. Besides leaving painful pustules on your skin, fire ants upset the natural environment.

Environmental Harm from Fire Ants

Fire ants compete with other insects and animals for food, attacking bird or reptile eggs. The ants have nearly wiped out the bobwhite quail in certain areas, along with diminishing rodent populations. Fire ants have even attacked/killed newborn cattle. The insidious insects have also decimated crops by killing off bees and eating major amounts of plant seeds. Fire ants destroy agriculture, cattle, air conditioners, car electrical systems, systems powering traffic and airport lighting, computer equipment, oil well pumps and more.

What Attracts Fire Ants?

Fire ants are attracted by moisture and like to eat protein, so the rainy season makes fire ants a problem. They come into the area naturally during rain and floods. In addition, areas of moisture retention in homes and on property at any time of year also attract destructive fire ants. Lawn irrigation, golf course watering and care and standing water also bring fire ants to the community.

Staying Fire Ant Free in AZ

Cookie• Keep food and drink in tiled kitchen areas.
• Clean up spills, then wash/dry mops and buckets right away.
• Eat crumb-free food when possible and store it in sealed containers or the fridge.
• Don’t over water gardens or potted plants.
• Avoid applying herbicides and pesticides, which can make a great habitat for ants. Instead, use your weed-eater to trim lawn borders or just let them grow. Only experts should use pesticides around your home to ensure effectiveness and avoid health hazards for your family.
• Food and extreme temperature bring ants indoors, so corner-clean cabinets and floors often.
• Do laundry often, since dirty laundry contains body oils and carbohydrates (sugars) that fire ants feed on.

Eliminating fire ants is complex because of the insect’s life cycle, so contact trained fire ant control experts in Phoenix, Glendale or Mesa, if you have a major infestation. Prevention is the best cure, so contact Preventive Pest Control today for a home inspection!