How to Know if You Have a Rodent Problem

Rat Control

Some rodents may seem cute when they are caged and kept as pets. However, when you have rodents roaming around your home, they are not so cute. They carry many disease and germs all over your home, while creating quite a mess.

Even if you only see one mouse, it could be a sign of a larger issue. Often, rodents populate your home very fast and before you know it, you have an infestation and you need a rodent control expert. Here are a few ways you can tell you have a rodent problem.


The most common sign of a rodent infestation is droppings. You may find them in or behind your kitchen cabinets, drawers, pantries or anywhere else where you store food. Rodents tend to poop quite a bit, so it’s pretty easy to spot an infestation from the droppings. Along with the kitchen, you may spot droppings along walls, in boxes, near beams or wall studs and in other areas they may use as a nest.

RodentNibble or Bite Marks on Food Containers

Rodents will go after your food supply and they often leave nibble or bite marks behind. Often, you will find the marks on cereal boxes or other boxed foods because they can easily gnaw through the cardboard container.


Mice, rats and other rodents make squeaking and rustling noises when they take over your home. You may hear them scampering around or rustling as they create their nest. The noises are most often heard at night.

A Musky Odor

When you have a rodent problem in your home, you may notice a distinct odor. It’s usually a musky odor and it’s hard to forget once you smell it.

Grease Marks

Since rodents have the ability to fit into very small places, they will often leave grease marks from oil or dirt they have picked up along the way. If you have a mice problem, the marks will be a bit fainter than the marks left by rats. Large greasy marks may be a sign you have a rat infestation.

Other signs you may have a rodent problem include:

• Pet excitement

• Tracks or footprints

• Gnaw marks on furniture or electrical wires

• Urine trails

• Nests found throughout your home

If you spot any of these signs of rodent problems, contact an rodent control expert at Preventive Pest Control Houston offers before it gets out of hand.