How to Protect Your Yard and Garden from Pests

Pest ControlThe easiest way to prevent insects and big pests from damaging your yard or garden is to discourage them from even entering. There are a lot of good reasons why you should stop these pests from coming in, and one of the most important reasons is because you do not want them in your home. We all know how different pest can easily enter our homes, which is why it is essential to create a barrier around your home. Peaceful gardeners do not want different types of insects and big pests like rats, voles, woodchucks, squirrels, gophers, rabbits, moles and other furry animals in our surrounding yard. Although not all pests are real pests. For instance, bees help in the pollination of broccoli, squash, apples and many other food crops. Many other insects perform a free service by destroying other harmful insects. While it is necessary to have your place protected, it is also important to know who the enemy is and how to properly dispose them.

How to Protect Your Yard and Garden


Pull out any weak plants

Pull the plant and dispose them properly away from the garden area. It is necessary to get rid of these plants right away since they may already be infected with pests, or they can attract other predators.

Reduce insect habitat

Clear the garden of debris and weeds, which are breeding places for insects.

Keep foliage dry

Wet foliage encourages insect and fungal damage to plant. To make certain this does not happen, water early so foliage will stay dry for most of the day.

Rotate crops

Pests are less likely to spread throughout a crop if the plantings are mixed. Rotating crops, each year is a common method to avoid re-infestation of pests.

Discouraging the Big Pests


Mechanical barriers

If you want to block these pests from entering, mechanical barriers can easily stop them.


There are so many great uses for the fences. They can deter rabbits and dogs by securely attaching a low fence at ground level or bury it several inches into the ground. You can also use a much taller fence if your home is being invaded by a larger pests such as a deer. You can also use individual collars of fencing for your plants, especially when they are young and tender since they are more vulnerable to attack during that time.

Row covers

Row covers are used in commercial nurseries and are made of lightweight sheets of fabric cover. They can be used to protect vegetable crops from insects, caterpillars, birds, rabbits and squirrels.


Chemical barriers use animal scent products such as fox urine or dried blood to intimidate other animals. These products can be effective temporary solutions since you will need to constantly monitor and reapplied these chemical barriers to remain effective. Some types of plants, like castor bean and Fritillaria can repel rodents. Hot peppers can discourage rabbits. Mothballs can also be used as a scent deterrent, but should be used with caution since these are poisonous to pets and children.

Live traps

Live traps are usually made of galvanized steel mesh that comes in different sizes. You may need to use some vegetables, crackers, or any other type of food that animals might get attracted to. Using live traps will allow you to catch a woodchuck, rabbit, squirrel or chipmunk. However, those who use live traps, find themselves not knowing what to do with the animals they caught since some states do not allow the relocation of wildlife. Also, it can be cruel to the animal and also to the gardeners who live in the area once you let them go.


Cats and dogs may not be a good idea to have in the garden since they can destroy the area. However, cats are especially good at catching rats, voles, and gophers. Dogs can come in handy when it comes to deterring or nabbing pests.   Don’t let nasty pests invade your yard and garden. For safe effective Yard Control, call Preventive Pest Control today!


Photo by Yuri Levchenko. Used under CC BY 2.0