How to Rid Your Home of Rodents – Permanently

Home Rodent

Mice and other rodents are highly skilled at infiltrating houses and other structures, especially when the weather cools and the animals seek out warmer abodes. Here, we share some expert advice for ridding your home of rodents and preventing them from coming back for good.

Seal any Openings

Prevention is always preferable to treatment, and the first step towards protecting your home against rodent infestations is to seal it. Use sealants and metal coverings to close off all cracks and openings around vents, plumbing, gaps in the walls or foundation, and so on. Also make sure that all windows and doors close properly. Rodents can twist and flatten themselves to squeeze through very small holes or cracks. Any opening larger than a quarter of an inch is big enough for a mice to get into your home, and they can easily chew larger holes into softer materials such as drywall. Do a thorough search of the house for any possible openings and seal them completely.

Place Rodent Traps

Rodent TrapAfter the house is sealed, it’s time to set traps. Traps should be placed in areas that show signs of rodent activity (such as droppings) and where children and pets cannot reach them. The most common types of traps include snap traps, glue traps, and live-catch traps. Some experts suggest using poisons, although consulting professionals for this task is strongly recommended. Toxic baits can be harmful to house residents if improperly placed. Lastly, there are many products advertised as “rodent repellents,” ranging from peppermint oil to sonic emitters. However, there is little evidence to support their effectiveness.

Remove Feeding Sources

If rodents are already in your house, denying them easy access to feeding sources will limit their numbers and will keep the diseases they carry away from your own food. Keep edibles in tightly-sealed glass, metal, and plastic containers. This includes putting things like bread and rice in cans or tupperware rather than plastic bags which rodents can easily chew through. Don’t forget to seal other potential feeding sources such as birdseed or pet food – rodents will gladly overlook a bit of chocolate bait for the dog chow in a paper bag they can easily get into.

Cleaning SuppliesKeep the House Clean

A messy house is a sure way to attract rodents. Tables, countertops, floors, sinks, and other surfaces should be cleaned regularly and kept free of food. Cardboard boxes are easy for mice to chew through, as they will nest in attics and basements and can use the cardboard itself for building material. Use large tupperware containers for storage instead. Lastly, any trash cans where food scraps are deposited should have lids which seal completely so that they are not accessible to pests.

Don’t let rodents invade your property. Let expert Albuquerque rodent exterminators help you! Call (505) 792-8380 today for a free consultation.