Do Mosquito Repellent Clothes Really Work?


It’s no coincidence that mosquito-repellent clothing lines are taking center stage today. As images of babies born infected with Zika spread around the world, pregnant women are adjusting their lifestyles to limit their exposure to mosquitoes. Whether you live near a Zika transmission zone or just worry that your hometown will soon become the next official zone, you’re focus is justifiably on preventative measures that could save your life. The question is whether clothing lines like Nobitech, Insect Shield and ExOffico work well enough to justify updating your wardrobe.

How Fabrics Repel Mosquitoes

While there is no fabric that can naturally repel a mosquito, clothing manufacturers are now treating select items with a synthetic pesticide known as permethrin. This chemical mimics natural properties found in chrysanthemum flowers, which are proven insect repellents. The military was first to start treating clothing with this chemical, but commercial clothing lines are now following suit.

Due to the small amount of permethrin found in mosquito-repellent clothing and the fact that human skin doesn’t absorb this chemical easily, there are no serious health risks associated with these garments. The EPA has even stated that the risk of harm is low for pregnant women and toddlers as well as all other populations.

The Limitations of Permethrin Treatment

Mosquito-repellent clothing does create a barrier that mosquitoes won’t want to cross, but the protection is limited to skin directly covered by pretreated clothing. Any area of skin that remains uncovered is still at risk if you don’t treat it with a topical bug spray containing DEET or other proven insecticides.

The permethrin treatment on these clothing items also has a lifespan. The more you wash the clothing, the less insecticide remaining in the fabric. Eventually, you will wash it all out, and you will have to replace each item to continue the protection against mosquitoes. Some clothing lines are guaranteed for up to 70 washes, but it’s important to read the terms for each item of pretreated clothing that you purchase.

Should You Invest?

It doesn’t hurt to have mosquito-repellent clothing on hand regardless of where you live. Just don’t expect it to protect you 100 percent from Zika and other diseases spread through mosquito bites. You will still need to treat your yard and wear topical repellent for maximum protection. If you’re pregnant, you may want to limit your time outdoors if you live in a warm climate.

If you need professional Arizona mosquito control, choose Preventive Pest Control. Call us today to schedule your free inspection!