All You Need to Know About the Zika Virus and Trash

Mosquito Control

It is nearly impossible these days to escape the reports of new Zika virus cases. The virus has spread like wildfire, and it is turning into a worldwide health crisis. Most people know that the Zika virus is transferred to humans through mosquito bites, however there are very few people in the world that realize the Zika carrying insect is not the ordinary run of the mill mosquito. Most people are aware of the fact that the favorite breeding ground of mosquitos is water, but the Aedes aegypti, the type of mosquito that carries the Zika virus loves to breed in trash. Here is some information on the connection between trash and the Zika virus, and things that you can do to eliminate the Aedes Aegypti’s breeding ground in your yard.

Stuck on You

Other mosquito varieties fly around and suck the blood of deer and other animals for the most part when they want to lay eggs. They generally suckle one victim then they are off to reproduce. The Aedes aegypti on the other hand has come to like human beings more than other varieties of mosquito. They have adapted to humans and they love being around people, they love the cities that humans live in, and they are totally in love with the blood that courses through human veins. The bug is truly stuck on humans so to speak, but it has been nearly impossible over the years for humans to return the affection as the Andes aegypti was also the culprit that carried yellow fever. Because of the fact that this particular mosquito sucks blood from multiple people it is called a “sip feeder”, and can easily spread disease from one person to another.

Clear Out Trash and Debris

One of the best things that you can do for yourself and your family is to make sure that you keep your property clear of trash and other debris. Make sure that any item that has the potential to keep the soil underneath moist, or even hold the slightest amount of water is removed. The Aedes aegypti also likes to hang out in old tires, so be sure to get rid of those as well. You should also be aware of the fact that the eggs of the Aedes aegypti are hearty and can survive without water for months.

Usual Methods Don’t Apply

The use of a bed net is generally thought of as one of the best ways to protect humans from mosquitos but that is not the case with the Aedes aegypti, as it does not bite at night. They can be found both indoors and outside, so it makes it difficult to use pesticides that can be purchased from your local retailer to get rid of them. If you live in Houston, you should seek the help of a Houston mosquito control company.