Spider Control In Your Home

Spider ControlSpider in your home or workplace can cause a nuisance. Although some of them are harmless, others are harmful and can cause death when they bite someone.

Types of Spiders


The most dangerous spiders include the black widow, brown recluse and hobo. The hobo spider rarely goes above basements or climb on vertical surfaces. The bite of this spider is dangerous although painless. Some of the symptoms experienced by the victim include headaches, vision impairment, fatigue and memory loss which is temporary.

The black widow also has venom that is highly dangerous and can even cause death especially to children or the elderly. They are usually found in cluttered areas, rubble piles, underneath stones and also woodpiles. The bite of a black widow is very painful, and the victim experiences hypertension, vomiting, abnormal pain, nausea and headache.

The brown recluse is a bit different from other spiders since it has 6 eyes and not 8 like other spiders. The venom of this spider is deadly as it causes premature death of cells in the tissue thus leading to loss of tissues.

Other venomous spiders include mouse spiders and black house spiders among others.


Other spiders are less harmful and only bite when they are disturbed. Some of them include Orb-Weaving spiders, Trap-Door spiders and funnel web grass spiders among others. Although they are not harmful, they can cause a lot of disturbance in the home and thus they need to be removed.

Managing Spiders

Do It Yourself

-The method for getting rid of spiders will depend on what type of spider it is. Generally, getting rid of their food source is one of the ways to reduce the number of spiders. If there are many insects in your home, get rid of them.

-Pesticides that can be used by homeowners can be sprayed on spiders.

-The spider can be trapped with a container or a cup and thrown outside.

-Thorough vacuuming can also reduce spiders in your home.

-Piles of wood and stone should be kept away from the house.

Calling in Professionals

Hiring professionals to get rid of spiders in the home would be the best choice. This is because they are familiar with the techniques used, and they can do the work thoroughly. Having professionals do the job is less risky since you risk being bitten if you do the job yourself. In addition to a thorough job, the professionals can also offer you advice that will help you keep spiders away from your house and compound. If there is anything in the house that attracts spiders, you will be informed.

Do you want more information about spiders? Feel free read more on spider control.