Steps to Ridding Your Home of Rodents and Pests

Houston summers can be a time of fun in the sun for the entire family as well as an open invitation for pests to ruin the good time. Pests like cockroaches, fleas, spiders, and rodents like mice and rats can be annoying and off putting. But how can you protect your home and family from persistent pests and rodent problems? Pest and rodent control can be simple with these tips:

Seal your windows and doors

Little critters can crawl their way through tiny openings under your door and through the cracks of your windowsill. You can install an inexpensive but sturdy metal threshold to put under your door to keep unwanted insects outside. You can use silicon caulking to seal your window frame.


When you really examine what attracts pests like cockroaches, it comes down to excess crumbs, dust, and mess. Bugs, pests, and rodents will flock to a dirty home. While there is only but so much you can clean after you have an infestation on your hands, keeping your home tidy and the crevices clean can certainly help to keep the insects away.

Seal your food

Everyone has gotten comfortable and left a bag of chips open, a slice of pizza on the counter or a box of cereal spilled. But, by leaving food open for bugs to feast on, you are practically rolling out a mini buffet for them. Since a lot of foods that come in bags are nearly impossible to reseal, invest in inexpensive containers for dry goods like cereal, pasta, and rice. For other foods, you can purchase food clips to protect bagged foods.

Keep it dry

Pests of all sorts love moist, warm, wet areas. They are able to breed and feed comfortably in those environments and undoubtedly turn a small issue into a full blow infestation. Keeping your sink drained as opposed to filled with water and dishes is helpful especially in warmer months. Check leaky showers, faucets, and pipes that are usually out of site. They could be creating the perfect home for pests.

Tidy up house pets

If you have a family pet, especially one that goes outside, make sure they are clean and bug free before they reenter your home. Make sure their food station is not over flowing and attracting insects, pests and rodents.

If you have a pest or rodent problem, Preventive Pest Control Houston can help you get your home to the peaceful, pest free oasis you love and these tips can help you keep it that way.