Top Quality Termite Control and Maintenance in Houston Texas

Termites, often called white ants, are found to be more closely related to cockroaches rather than ants. The eastern subterranean termite is one species of termites that can be found year-round is the most common species found in the Houston, Texas area and surrounding areas. Each termite colony can have as many as 1,000,000 winged or non-winged members divided into two categories, workers or soldiers that gather the cellulose from wood or leaves and to feed the colony, or kings and queens that lay thousands of eggs at a time. These tiny insects can together do serious harm to your home and furnishings. Termites have been known to completely destroy homes when they are left to reproduce or not exterminated completely. They are not known to bite humans but are capable of biting if handled incorrectly. These are a couple of the dangers that Preventive Pest Control-Houston handles daily.

The termite extermination process is laborious and involves thorough inspection to identify the type of damaging insects to determine the most effective way of eliminating them, setting up traps or disposing of existing adult termites and their eggs, use of correct chemicals and temperature controls, and altering the environment to discourage future infestations.

A professional termite exterminator will never cut corners, ensuring that every step of the extermination process is followed in detail. While do-it-yourself solutions have becomes popular way to handle many problems, some of which do save homeowners money, termite extermination is not a situation you want to be stingy. Hiring a professional will save you time, the steps of termite extermination are time-consuming and cannot be rushed or skipped.

It is critical to your home structure’s well-being to call a professional termite exterminator as soon as you suspect the presence of termites in your home. As mentioned, termites reproduce at incredible speeds and can cause structural damage to your home, leading to thousands in home repair in the future. A professional will ensure that your home is completely free of these destructive insects especially since he or she knows the crevices, hiding tactics, and concealed nature of termites that result from professional training and experience. Texas is one of the states that is heavily affected by termites due, in part, to the harsh weather conditions that can exist. It is important to choose a termite exterminator that has years of experience working in your particular area and knows the nature of the specific types of termites that may exist there.