Ways to Avoid Sharing Your Yard with Bees

Bee ControlBees are not like mosquitoes that are attracted to humans. When these bees are found in yards, it is not the human they smell, but the color and smell of the environment that attracts them. In fact, bees are just simple creatures that work mostly to pollinate. As they fly, they might mistakenly wind up in your yard. But, when they do, it is still recommended, not to kill these insects because they are important pollinators that are having a difficult time with the survival of their species.

Bees like the smell of flowers. If you have plants all over your yard, you can expect these pollinators to come near your premises. The color and the smell of your clothes may also attract bees. Certain colors or prints may attract bees. Also, if you smell like flowers, bees may also come near you. Food baskets that contain tasty food may also attract bees, especially sweet food.

Bees are also searching for sugars or carbohydrates, which makes them attracted to yards that offer such treats. Once they find food, they will bring them back to the nest. In most cases, bees are not dangerous. Although they may sting when they are threatened, but bees do not pose any danger to humans, except for individuals who have allergic reactions towards bee sting.

How to Avoid these Bees from Going Into Your Yard

  • • Seal all garbage cans
  • • Rinse garbage cans as often as they are used
  • • Eliminate standing water
  • • Plant marigolds, red dianthus, or geraniums around the yard
  • • Don’t wear cologne or perfume that smell like flowers
  • • Don’t wear brightly colored clothing
  • • Pay attention to the type of food you bring outside

Make sure that your yard does not attract them by providing them their food, water and shelter. If in the case that the bee nest is near your yard, do not immediately destroy the nest. Make sure that the hive is for bees, particularly honeybees, and just leave them alone.

If they bring a threat to you and your family, call us to take the beehive away from your premises so that they can be placed in a more suitable location. For more information, go to Stinging Insect Control.