How Weather Affects Pest Control

pest control utah

As the weather warms up, flowers begin to bloom, trees began to turn green, the sun begins to shine longer. Unfortunately, this means that the worst pests around your home, including termites, wasps, ants, and other insects, are waking up from their winter slumbers to come be a problem.

pest control utahInsects During the Winter

Have you ever noticed around your home and garden that during the winter, there seems to be less insects? Although some do migrate to warmer climates, some insects spend the winter in hibernation. This is because they are cold-blooded creatures who need to conserve their energy during the frigid winter months.

Other insects, like bees and wasps, will find the warm underbrush or fallen logs to get keep as warm as possible. Since those insects rely on the pollen from trees, they must use as little energy as possible due to a poor food supply.

Insects During the Spring

pest control utahSpring time means a defrost of the area, with warmer temperatures and longer days. Plants begin releasing pollen and flowers are beginning to bloom. This is also the best time for insects to come out of their hibernation and back into the open air.

This is also an important time for insects, as they begin to mate and repopulate their nests and hives. Termites, bees, and other colony insects will begin producing a lot of larva, causing a massive upswing in their population. Other insects will begin hunting for food and start invading newly blooming gardens.

Spring also brings rain, which is a major source of sustenance for all living things, especially insects. Mosquitos are especially attracted to water, which can be a bit of a scarce commodity in Utah.

pest control utahWild Life and the Weather

Insects are not the only creatures that become more active as the season transitions.  Outdoor wild life, like rats, raccoons, possums, and other warm blooded mammals will begin to come out of their dens as the weather gets warmer. They will also begin to repopulate and start foraging for food.

The problem with these kinds of animals is that they know that humans throw out a lot of edible food for them. These pests will invade your trash, and the smaller ones like mice and rats will take up residence in your home.

As you can see, spring time, while beautiful, can also become quite a pain when dealing with insects and animal pests. To deal with this, you should contact the professionals at Prevent Pest Control. Need help with seasonal pest control? Call us today!