Xeriscape in Albuquerque

Xeriscape in Albuquerque

Albuquerque has a naturally arid climate, and this desert environment attracts certain types of pests that usually do not show up in other places. These pests are actually attracted to dry areas. Xeriscape is a turf treatment that helps to create a landscape that would not normally come from a desert environment.

There are many advantages to Xeriscape, including pest control. Here are a few of those advantages.

The Aesthetics of Xeriscape

In an arid climate, the foliage can easily become dry and dead, leaving homeowners with a rather dry looking landscape. Xeriscape allows homeowners to create an incredibly attractive landscape with the right kinds of plants that do not need a great deal of water.

Xeriscape is Green

Believe it or not, Xeriscape does not use that much water. The use of Xeriscape is upheld by the Water Authority, which actually offers homeowners in Albuquerque rebates for replacing turf with Xeriscape. Using Xeriscape also reduces the water bill in a household over the short term and the long term, saving a  homeowner money while providing a great looking landscape.

Xeriscape is a Time Saver

Homeowners who use Xeriscape have to worry about upkeep a lot less. Picking the right plants without a need for constant watering reduces the amount of time that a homeowner has to spend in the yard to achieve a good looking yard. Xeriscape moves a homeowner away from bluegrass lawns and other plants that tend to take a lot of water and time to keep looking good.

Xeriscape Helps Protect a Home

The pests that tend to look for a drier climate will not like Xeriscape. You can think of the treatment as a shield of landscaping that is around your home, keeping out the dry pests that infest other homes in Albuquerque.

Improving Property Value

Xeriscape improves the property value not only by the look, but by protecting the home from pests that would otherwise eat away at the infrastructure of a home. Less money is spent on repairs of the home, and the infrastructure remains intact for a longer period of time.

If you are looking to upgrade your home, protect it and make it look great, then Xeriscape is a great option. If you need help learning about Xeriscape or installing it, you can always call on the experts at Preventive Pest Control. Do not let the pests or the arid climate dictate the kind of home life that you will have in Albuquerque. Use Preventive Pest Control and Xeriscape to create the best life for yourself!